Durham School Services Earns Five-Year Contract with Boise School District

Anna Lam | 7 February, 2020 | Next

Lisle, ILDurham School Services, a leader in student transportation, was selected by the Boise School District in Boise, Idaho, to transport approximately 6,000 students for the district, to and from school each day for the next five years. The contract was signed with a potential five-year renewal agreement. Beginning in July, Durham will operate 117 routes that service the students of Boise.

“Boise School District is looking forward to Durham School Services providing school transportation services to our students and families,” said Coby Dennis, Superintendent of Boise School District. “Timely and safe transportation is a key part of our District’s commitment to providing high-quality comprehensive education that is accessible for all students. Choosing a bus contractor that shares this commitment is critical. Therefore, we have high expectations that Durham School Services will provide our schools with the service our students expect and deserve.”

“We look forward to serving the students of Boise School District and providing them with the high quality transportation for which we are known,” said Gary Waits, CEO of Durham School Services. “We have more technology on our buses and data at our fingertips to monitor and improve safety than any other transportation provider. In addition to our team members, these resources are what make us best-in-class.”

As a selected partner of choice by more than 340+ school districts, Durham is an industry leader in safety technology and quality service. Each vehicle is equipped with Fogmaker fire suppression technology and Lytx DriveCam® to help ensure every student arrives to and from school safely each day. Additionally, every driver undergoes an extensive training program and is required to attend routine safety meetings and refresher training classes throughout the year. In the coming months, Durham will begin to hire and train more than 210 team members to help ensure the smooth transition of operations before the start of school.